The Unlucky Witch – Chapter 11: Interlude

It was not difficult to find the entrance after the ceremony. Ariel left with Alegra, Kaluna and Abalone to scout out the entrance. She didn’t bother to clean herself up. Who knew what they would encounter?

The others stayed at the camp site to do the last preparations. Kessler had not been happy about being left behind. They were not to enter today as the sky was darkening and the fact that they had traveled all day. Above her, Ariel could see Stone’s drone following them.

The entrance itself was hidden behind vines so thick it took Alegra and Abalone a couple of minutes to clear them even with the help of Ariel’s magic. There was no longer any door in a traditional way. The entrance was barred by thick wooden logs.

They looked at each other.

“Fire?” Ariel asked.

“Is it safe?”

“It would be a great way to test whether or not the ritual worked”. Silence. She already missed Kessler. “Nothing is safe on the Other Side”.

“Unless you have another option? It’s gonna be heavy lifting”.

Alegra was thoughtful for a moment. “You’re right Abalone. However, I’m not comfortable with us destroying the only door to this place. We might need it. Ariel, can you remove the logs without destroying them?”

“No, fire it is for me. You really have high expectations of a nature witch”

“We bring the spider then, tomorrow. Let’s head back”.

Ariel was not the only one to keep an eye on the spider as Stone assembled something that looked like fangs in the front. Kessler was hovering suspiciously near the soldier, asking all the questions Ariel did not.

She slept restless. Partly due to her new attunement with Nature, partly because she was worried. Strange sensations cursed through her as if somebody wanted to either tell her something or just get her attention.

Morning came as a blessing even though Ariel felt troubled. She opted for at quick morning dance in the dawn both to clean her body of the previous day’s excitement and to clear her mind hoping that this peace offering would appease Mother Nature on this side. She felt calmer as she stepped out of the circle that consisted of green leaves and dew.

Nonchalantly she said: “Are you always spying of girls coming out of the shower?”

“I didn’t even know we had a shower”.

Ariel took the dress she had brought with her from Sir Roanes outstretched hand and wrapped it around her without bothering to dry off, not caring if the water made it see through. “The perks of being a weather witch”. She smiled coldly. “What are you doing here?”

“I don’t think you would believe me if I said admiring your naked body? I must say I’m impressed that you are not more freaked out. I had heard the stories of nature witches”.

“And you were curious? If the rumours were true?” Ariel rolled her eyes. “And decided to provoke me?”

“More curious to be honest than intending to be provoking”.

She caught a mischieving smile play along the lines of his mouth. Still with his damn sunglasses on. Feeling bold as he had invaded her territory and ritual she stepped real close to him.

In a smooth movement she pulled the strap that held her dress together and she stood once again exposed naked in front of the minion. Her breasts were touching his chest when she pulled of his sunglasses. 

“Now it’s quid pro quo for real, Sir Undead”. She giggled inside at his sour reaction to his title – and then she stopped.

Sir Roanes hand had grabbed hers but not before she had managed to remove his sunglasses. She did not know what she had expected but definitely now what she saw. Her mouth went slack.

She was staring into eternity or at least that was what it felt like. There was nothing human in those eyes.

“Welcome to the Realm of Existence, Witch”, Sir Roane said not quite smirking. “Feeling a bit underdressed?”

“I-I-I didn’t…” Ariel started. She couldn’t finish the sentence. So mesmerised was she in the depth of his eyes. She could feel the pull towards them but at the same time something pulled her back.

“You are growing tendrils”, Sir Roane remarked as he gently loosened her grip on his sunglasses and slid them back  over his nose.

Ariel looked down and sure enough. Vines and roots had shot up from the earth where she stood and tanglede themselves up along her legs tethering her securely to the ground. The pull was gentle but insistent and blood was running down where thorns dug into her flesh.

“We are not close to being even”, he said, as Ariel tried to relax enough for her state to return to normal. “You have seen me more exposed than a witch could ever be. Be aware that there will be consequences to that. But quite an interesting reaction. Nakedness aside you are an interesting witch Ariel of Sanara”.

He leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips. Nothing sexual but her body responded non the less by pressing itself into him, until she felt his hand draw blood with something sharp. She drew back.


“Now we are even, Witch”.